Meeting Minutes
CTPMA Executive Committee
November 20, 2017 – Phoenix Arizona
Attendees: Mike Simmons, Shawn Frate, Bill Kent, Alec McBarnet, Vince Sullivan
and Anthony Misetich
Absent: Buddy Lott
The meeting began at 12:30pm at the Marriott at the Buttes Hotel in Phoenix. Anthony Misetich led the discussion on the following items.
- Year-end Update
- CTPMA has held three meetings this year- a full board meeting in March (Houston) and two others, a Retail Board meeting in October (San Ramon) and the Executive Committee meeting currently being held in November (Phoenix).
- 2017 Finances
CTPMA will have about a $18,000 budget deficit due to CTPMA not gaining the additional new member replacements forecast in the original 2017 budget and the absence of a Business Forum in 2017. Additional added costs were David Nelson as a moderator at the Spring Meeting and costs of the Executive Director attending the Florida Sunshine conference, and the 1stsource marketers conference to solicit new marketers as directed by the board. At the end of October CTPMA had approximately $ 413,724 with $61,688 in Malaga Bank, $101,366 in MB Financial Bank and $246,278 in Chase Bank plus $4,392 in Chase checking. CTPMA- continues to provide a 1-2-year operating reserve. The proposed budget for 2018 projects approximately $32,000 profit for CTPMA. During discussion Treasurer Alex McBarnet explained that CTPMA’s finances year in and year out are very much like an agricultural business where gains in one year carry the association for the following. Further discussion was regarding what to do with CTPMA’s roughly $450,000 nest egg. Further discussion to be held at the Spring Board meeting on that subject.
- Membership Development
The current membership is 168 comprised of 126 marketer members and 42 associate members. This is slight increase in membership from 2016. Through hard work and the help of CTPMA board members the Association was able to continue with growth. It is hoped that the Business Forum will help to increase membership yet again in 2018. Anthony also mentioned that CTPMA would have a presence at the WPMA and POC to pursue additional associate members.
Anthony then informed the board that it had been since 2011 that CTPMA had last increased membership dues. He did not recommend an increase for Marketer members rather relying on marketer prospect lists to grow the membership. After discussion the board agreed unanimously to have the dues remain the same for the next 12 months for marketers; however, dues would be increased to $450 for associate members.
- 2017-18 Board Member Changes
The following changes were discussed to bring more regular attending members to the 2018 board-
Retail East- Ric Mayer (Mid-States), Ed Awad (Lee County).
Retail West- Steve Wilcox.
Commercial Products – Brad Brewer (Brewer Hendley), Kyle Lehne (Suncoast Oil).
It was also recommended that CTPMA have a Vendor Board Representative (Associate Member) due to the upcoming Business Forum
- 2018 Officers to remain the same
Mike Simmons- President
Jeff Hart-VP Commercial Products
Buddy Lott-VP Retail East
Shawn Frate- VP Retail West
Secretary- Vince Sullivan
Alec McBarnet- Treasurer
Bill Kent- Past President
- Anthony then discussed the format for the upcoming 2018 business forum. The 2018 Keynote speaker will be former Notre Dame head coach – Lou Holtz to begin the conference and would be a great motivational speaker to get everyone fired up. Lou Holtz’s normal speaking fee is $44,500 however the association will pay $25,000 and Anthony said that he would seek the sponsors necessary to cover the keynote speaker. In addition, the retail VP’s and Doug Hinzie were to be our guest Chevron speakers. With the Air Force Academy located in Colorado Springs it was requested that we look to involve leadership or the cadets themselves. Anthony to look into this.
Anthony then told the Executive Committee that the retail committee recommended that we invite the expertise of Chevron’s management staff to be presenters speaking on different subjects. In addition, as per the request at the Spring Board meeting, Terry McKenna would present a half day Leadership Academy for upcoming marketer emerging leadership (age 40 and younger). Also explore a next generation cocktail party. There was further discussion about how to reward loyal associate members that exhibited in the trade show it was decided that those members should be given priority to the front of the tradeshow to gain exposure. A concept of a discount was also discussed; however, it was decided that it needed further refinement. Anthony was also going to have a discussion in December with vendors who exhibited in 2016 to get their feedback.
- 2018 meeting Schedule
Anthony proposed the spring board meeting dates for March 19-20 in Houston and would coordinate with Chevron if those dates worked with their schedules. The Business Forum is scheduled for June 22-25, 2018 at the Broadmoor. The Executive Committee would meet at the end of November 2018. The final dates for meetings after the Business Forum would be discussed and confirmed in Houston.
With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 3:30PM (Pacific).